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Lazy loading and code splitting in React

Lazy loading is a well-known technique for improving performance and reducing the associated resource costs. It’s so effective that it’s even being added to the web standard via the loading="lazy" attribute. In this article, we will learn how to perform lazy resource loading and code splitting in React.

Note: at the time of writing this article, a lot of APIs are still in development and are not ready to be used in production.


Code splitting […] allows you to split your code into various bundles which can then be loaded on demand or in parallel. It can be used to achieve smaller bundles and control resource load prioritization which, if used correctly, can have a major impact on load time. ~ Webpack

Lazy loading is a design pattern […] used to defer initialization of an object until the point at which it is needed. It can contribute to efficiency in the program’s operation if properly and appropriately used. […] The performance gains are especially significant if the initialization of the object is costly, such as in case of accessing network services. ~ Wikipedia


A lot of SPAs nowadays are “monolithic” – there’s a giant JavaScript bundle that contains all of the application’s files. This bundle is required via a <script> tag, gets downloaded on the initial visit, and is hopefully cached. This results in:

  • a longer initial load: we download all of the app’s code, even if it’s not needed to perform the initial render or not used at all;
  • faster application rendering and in-app navigation: all of the components are already downloaded and don’t need to be lazily fetched.

This is the typical drawback of code-splitting: the initial page load is faster but each dynamic import degrades the visible in-app performance.

Developers tend to provide visual feedback for each asynchronous action. It often results in an immense amount of loaders and it’s still badly perceived by users. Once the lazy components render, they can perform other asynchronous actions (like network requests) which adds another layer of loaders.

As a developer, you need to find the perfect balance between initial and dynamic loading and focus on creating great fallback experiences.


Concurrent React can partially render a tree without committing the result.

Code splitting

React 16.6 introduced React.lazy which allows us to perform code splitting and a Suspense component which renders placeholders for lazy-loaded resources.

import React, { Suspense, lazy } from "react";

const Foo = lazy(() => import("./Foo"));
const Bar = lazy(() => import("./Bar"));

const LazyFooBar = () => (
    <Suspense maxDuration={1500} fallback={"Loading…"}>
      <Foo />

      <Suspense maxDuration={1000} fallback={"Loading…"}>
        <Bar />

The dynamic import() tells the bundler to exclude requested files from the main bundle. React.lazy returns a special component type that will suspend the render until it resolves or rejects The exact behavior is described in the following RFC:

React.lazy accepts a Promise factory, and returns a new component type. When React renders that type for the first time, it triggers the Promise factory […]. If the Promise is fulfilled, React reads the .default value from it […], and uses it as a component type for rendering. If the Promise is rejected, the rejection is handled in the same way as React normally handles errors (by letting the nearest error boundary handle it). After the code has loaded, React caches the Promise result. Next renders of the components with this type become synchronous and have no extra cost.

Suspense allows you to define a fallback placeholder which is displayed when the render is in the suspended state. It also allows you to configure the delay after which the fallback should be shown (via the maxDuration property). It will prevent the fallback component from showing up on fast networks.

Suspense is quite similar to ErrorBoundary. In fact, you can think of Suspense as being the try { … } block whereas ErrorBoundary is the catch (error) { … } block.

Lazy loading and preloading

React team is working on an experimental library named react-cache. It provides APIs for implementing various caches for React applications. As it is dependent on some not-yet-released React APIs, this library should not be used in production.

API calls

One of react-cache use cases is to suspend rendering on pending requests.

const FooListResource = unstable_createResource((query) => fetchFooList(query));

In our render, we just read the data using the This method returns the response from the unstable_createResource Promise factory and tells the nearest parent React.Suspense to stop the rendering and display the fallback till the resource is ready. The implementation is simple:

const FooList = () => {
  const response ={
    search: "search string",

  return (
      { => (
        <li key={}>{item.text}</li>

Embedded documents

You can use react-cache to lazy load embedded documents, such as images, videos, scripts, stylesheets, and more. The implementation is quite similar to caching API calls. We start with creating an image resource:

const ImageResource = unstable_createResource(
  (src) =>
    new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const img = new Image();
      img.src = src;
      img.onload = resolve;
      // img.onerror = reject;

Now, we need to create an alternative img component which will make use of the ImageResource. For this, we simply need to call – it will tell the nearest parent React.Suspense to stop the rendering and display the fallback till the image is fully loaded. The implementation is straightforward:

const Img = ({ src, ...props }) => {;

  return <img src={src} {...props} />;

Now, we can create a wrapper that will take care of providing the low-resolution fallback image for us – we just need to wrap the newly created Img component with a React.Suspense and provide a fallback image, as follows:

const LazyImg = ({ lowResSrc, highResSrc, ...props }) => (
  <React.Suspense fallback={<img {...props} src={lowResSrc} />}>
    <Img {...props} src={highResSrc} />

There’s a GitHub project named the-platform which turns Web APIs into React Hooks and Suspense-friendly React components. It provides a set of lazy components out of the box, such as:

